13.02.22 Exegesis – Lent 2 (2/24) – Gen 32.22-32, 1 Thess. 4.1-7, Rom. 5.1-5, Matt. 15.21-28, Psalm 121


—Exegetical Notes –Bring this worksheet with your notes for our Fri. 3/1/2013 study and your study Bible.  Potluck at 6.  

Topic and choice of readings to bring: ——

—Third S. in Lent (Oculi): Jesus Overcomes the Strong Man
—Ex. 8:16-21 3rd and 4th Plagues: Gnats and Flies
—or Jer. 26: 1-15  Jeremiah Threatened with Death
—Eph. 5:1-9  Walk in Love
—Luke 11:14-28  Jesus and Beelzebul; Return of an Unclean Spirit; True Blessedness
—Psalm 136:1-16 His Steadfast Love Endures Forever
—or Psalm 4  Answer Me When I Call


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