Hello Brothers & Sisters In-Christ,
Our Fall Sunday School will officially begin Sunday, September 1st followed by Rally Day on September 8th. Our Growing-In-Christ Program Fall Quarter contains Old Testament stories, while the winter and spring quarters contain New Testament stories.
We are growing! Susan and Justin Morris volunteered to teach the Parents of Twos and Middle thru College classes, respectively. Barbara, Linda, Dave, and Karol agreed to continue supporting our program. Many thanks to all of you! I am honored to be among such talent.
Sunday-School Starts at 9:00 a.m. in the OPENING ROOM which begins with attendance, offering, and then prayer. Then, we will all shuffle over to the Music/Piano area where Mrs. Steiner will lead us in our Hymns and close with prayer. Finally, children will exit to their perspective classrooms for their lessons.
Sunday School ends at 10:00 a.m. and Church Service begins at 10:30 a.m.
Adult Sunday-School runs concurrently with Children’s Sunday-School. Please invite your neighbors, family, and friends or just go out to the streets and invite everybody you see. I am sure Brenda Romenek, our Evangelism Director, can help with that.
Rally Day, September 8th – Teachers will be installed during the regular church service and the children will receive their SPRING attendance certificates during the announcements.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Melody Anton, Education