Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) Program Opportunity

How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?  Romans 10:14

Last Sunday most of you saw two men wearing clergy shirts.  One was Pastor Kolander. Those that didn’t notice the second were probably suffering from daylight savings time syndrome.  🙂

The other man is Jon Holst.  He is a special education teacher and a vicar.  He and his wife (Karen) and two daughters live in Riverside and presently attend St. John’s Lutheran church in Colton (served by Pastor Wiley).

Pr. Wiley contacted me in January to say that their congregation is going to close.  Vicar Holst is already enrolled in the LCMS approved (2007) distance education vicarage program with Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, (it’s called Special Ministry Program).   Since St. John’s is closing, I was asked if we would consider “adopting” him in our congregation so that he can continue his vicarage and studies.

This unique four year program toward ordination was developed in response to the need for more pastors; the fact that not all congregations can support a full time pastor (say: worker-priest); that today’s economic challenges prohibit or deter men from the ministry (moving a family to the seminary); it makes use of new technology and distance education (online classes); and recognizes that raising up a man to serve in the ministry can begin and continue in the local congregation.

The SMP program is set up so that men studying for the ministry will continue to work at his present job (which provides for his family and theological education), live in his own home and serve his own congregation under the supervision of the pastor while he takes online classes.  After he’s completed his four years, the SMP pastor can either be called to serve a specific ministry/outreach in the congregation in which he was trained (while still maintaining his other job) or continue his theological training, be ordained and offer his life to a congregation who needs a full-time or part-time pastor. (Jon’s desire is to move to the seminary after four years and work toward his Masters of Divinity).

During the four years, there is little or no financial responsibility to the congregation (he will remain bi-vocational).  Together with you, I’m confident that we have a lot to offer (and receive) from Jon and his family in this matter.  After Easter, I would like to ask for a meeting (called by our president) to talk with you about this opportunity to help raise up and mentor a man who desires to serve the Lord and His Church.  I solicit your prayers, questions and conversation in the weeks to come.

+Pastor Kolander

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