Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) Sunday October 7th

Today is LWML Sunday, when we remember the mission Christ gave to the church to Gospel the nations and pray the Lord of the Harvest to send workers.  The LCMS has a mighty membership of over 250,000 and is the official women’s missionary organization of the LCMS.  For over 60 years the organization has gathered to study, encourage, and equip women to keep an eye toward mission work and help financially support Gospel missions.  The LWML is “salted for service” –to witness to Christ in Word and deed, to show acts of mercy around the world, and to share one another’s burdens in our church’s life together.  Through the offerings of the LWML, hundreds and hundreds of projects in our districts, in the Synod, in our partner churches and all around the globe have been funded so that the Gospel of free forgiveness in Jesus is shared everywhere.  This morning, we give thanks to God for His many blessings given through the LWML, and pray the Lord’s continued blessing on the women of the LWML as they “Serve the Lord with gladness” (Ps. 100:2).  May the Lord continue to bless our missionaries and the Church who prays and helps support the work of publishing the Gospel in the world.

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